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Providing a Strong Defense

Sentry Capital Management’s significant experience and engineering have determined that Exchange Traded Options may provide tremendous value to an Investors portfolio.  Too often, hedging strategies are overlooked and considered limiting.  However, when appropriately implemented, hedging strategies may provide yield enhancement and risk reduction to portfolios and concentrated equity positions.



Founded on the belief that equity markets are extremely efficient and can be difficult to outperform with stock selection, we utilize Options to enhance yield and reduce risk.


Our mandate is to always be hedged utilizing a rules-governed approach to mitigate downside exposure while maintaining an Equity long-bias.

Multi-dimensional Strategies

Our Passive and Active approaches allow us to harvest market returns while reducing downside risk without performance drag

Why Sentry

Reliability of Strategies

Our strategies are independent of market conditions and has shown enhanced returns across market cycles

Risk Management

Our disciplined risk framework is designed to limit company-/sector–specific volatility, and our rules governed approach maintains mandate to always be hedged

As risk in the market rises and the need for hedging portfolios and concentrated positions becomes more apparent, the demand for expertise increases


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